
The La Nordica Extraflame Group is guided by Italy’s core values of passion and hard work in its operations. Even in the traditional field of heating, innovation is key, and this has helped the La Nordica Extraflame Group attain a significant market share. After 50 years of successful production, the group’s products are now sold in 50 countries worldwide. Over the years, hard work and innovation have replaced simple and inefficient heaters with advanced, versatile, and highly efficient models that meet all customer needs. The group produces a range of modern designs, including fireplaces, stoves, pellet stoves, and boilers, that cater to diverse customer preferences. After 20 years of successful production of electric heaters, Extraflame has switched to designing, developing, and manufacturing pellet heaters. Extraflame’s innovative, functional, ecological, and environmentally-friendly heating devices have secured a solid position among the market leaders.