Why choose pellet heating?

Pellet heating is an affordable, renewable and CO₂ neutral type of heating. The genius of pellets lies in the fact that their production is a smart solution for the use of waste products generated in the wood industry. Today, pellets are used to heat millions of boilers and fireplaces that provide heat in private households. Thanks to the excellent price-energy ratio, pellets have become the main alternative to all the most common types of fuel, including gas. In addition, the amount of CO₂ released when burning pellets is equal to the amount of CO₂ absorbed when the tree grows. The same amount of carbon dioxide would also be released during the natural decay of wood. Therefore, pellet heating is CO₂ neutral and does not create a greenhouse effect or climate warming.

Benefits: High quality pellets help to save. They produce more heat and less ash, which means less heating needs.

  • The production and distribution of pellets requires very little energy. It takes 2.7% of the final energy consumption for the packed pellets to reach the home. This number is 10% for gas and 12% for fuel oil.
  • It is easy to plan the use of pellets. Thanks to their high density and high calorific value, pellets are easy to store. In addition, the hopper of the heater can hold a sufficient supply of pellets for several days.
  • Pellets are convenient to use and easy to transport. Pellets are easy to store, as they can be stored in bags almost anywhere. Packed in large bags, they are easy to transport and practical to use.
  • Pellets are always available. Pellets are produced from renewable material that is always and everywhere.
  • Pellets do not produce debris. Pellets do not produce junk, because no chemicals are used in their production and therefore no chemical waste products are produced. On the contrary, the pellets themselves are produced from sawdust, a waste product of the wood industry.
  • Pellet heating does not produce unpleasant odors: Due to its high density and low moisture content, pellets burn almost completely. As a result, ash and soot are generated to a minimum.

The main misconceptions about pellets

In the following, we debunk some common myths regarding pellet heating. The widespread use of pellets in recent years has raised many different myths that are not true in reality.

It is not possible to distinguish the type and quality of pellets by color

There is no definite relationship between the color and the quality of the pellets. Depending on the setting of the machines used in production, pellets of different colors can be produced from the same sawdust. Pellets with a lighter color are often thought to be from spruce, but in fact it is very unlikely to determine the tree species by the color.

Pellets produced from spruce are the best

There are many factors that affect the relationship between wood type and pellet quality. It is always useful to carefully read the information on the package. Factors such as the heater in use and personal preference can influence the choice. Generally speaking, pellets produced entirely from softwood are the best choice.

The pellets do not become shiny due to the chemicals used

There is a completely natural reason behind the shiny surface of the pellets. Pellets contain resin from conifers, which binds the sawdust and makes it shiny when processed under pressure.

Pellets are not harmful to health

It is important to ensure that the raw material does not contain chemical additives such as varnish, paint or glue, which can emit toxic gases when burned. It is difficult to determine the composition of materials based on appearance alone, so you should always choose a well-known brand and a reliable dealer.

The length of the pellets does not interfere with the heater

The correct length of pellets is between 1-4cm. What can be too much for the stove is the constant change of pellet type. It is important to change the automatic setting of the oven with each shift. Failure to do so may damage the heater.